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Participation in congress/workshops

SANA 2021 - 33rd international exhibition of organic and natural products - Bologna
Presenters: Ursula Kretzschmar and Toralf Richter from FIBL, Flavio Paoletti and Fiorella Sinesio from CREA.

Oral presentations during the SANA in Bologna (Italia), from the 9th to the 12th of September.

Presentation at the Organic World Congress : "Information on organic milk packaging in countries with different level of organic market maturity - A comparison between Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Poland"
Presenters: Lisa M. Borghoff and Friederike Elsner (Department of Food, Nutrition and Facilities, University of Applied Sciences Münster, Münster, Germany), Andrijana Horvat (Food Quality and Design Group, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, Netherlands), Karolina Misztal (Department of Functional and Organic Food, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland), Anna Saba and Eleonora Saggia-Civitelli (Council for Agricultural Research and Economics - Research Center on Food and Nutrition, Rome, Italy)

Oral presentation during the Organic World Congress 2020 in Rennes (France)

Presentation at the Organic World Congress : "Differences and similarities in the processing of organically and non-organically produced (semi)-hard cheese"
Presenters: Eva Hansel, Lisa Borghoff and Carola Strassner (Food - Nutrition - Facilities, FH Münster University of Applied Sciences, Münster, Germany)

Oral presentation during the Organic World Congress 2020 in Rennes (France)

Presentation at the workshop of SusOrgPlus: "Organic food processing, actual principles, new challenges and possible ways to go"
Presenter: Ursula Kretzschmar (Research Institute of Organic Farming - FiBL)

Online presentation during the final dissemination workshop of the EU project SUSORGPLUS (April 2021)

Presentation at the workshop "TP Organics Science Day: Innovating for organic food processing”
Presenter: Dr. Flavio Paoletti (Consiglio per la Ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria, Italy)

Presented at BioFach 2021 (February 2021)

Presentation: Code of Practice for organic processors - findings from the European project Pro-Org
Speakers: Paulina Gawron, SGGW University of life sciences (Warzsawa, Poland); Raffaele Zanolie, Universita Politecnica delle Marche (Italy); Claudia Meier, FiBL (Switzerland)
Moderation: Alexander Beck, Association of organic food processors AÖL (Austria)


Presented at BioFach 2021 (February 2021)

Presentation: Careful, Gentle, Minimal: What are the principles of organic processing?
Assessment framework: Regula Bickel and Matthias Meier, FiBL
Consumers perspectives: Katrin Zander, Ronja Hüppe, Karlotta Koch, Claudia Meier, Hanna Stolz, Lisa Borghoff

Presented at BioFach 2020 in Nüremberg (February 2020)

Poster: Information about product quality on milk packages in Germany and Poland
Authors: Lisa Borghoff, Karolina Misztal, Friederike Elsner, Marta Wójtowicz, Hubert Kowalski

Presented at the WeValueFood Conference in Warsaw (December 2019)

Poster: How do food producers communicate producing methods to consumers?
Authors: Lisa Borghoff, Carola Strassner

Presented at the EFFoST in Rotterdam (November 2019)

Oral paper: Classification systems of processed food: a comparison
Authors: Lisa Borghoff, Carola Strassner

The following is the authors’ own translation of a conference paper entitled "Klassifikationssysteme für verarbeitete Lebensmittel: Ein Vergleich" presented at the 15th Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Kassel (Germany)  (5th – 8 th March 2019)


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